Tired, Mama?

Need help for your kiddo with special needs?

Someone you trust?

Support you can afford?

  • Nearly 55% of parents of children with disabilities reported stress in a clinically relevant range.

  • Parental frustrations include social isolation, emotional stress and depression, grief and financial problems.

We can help.


A rested mama is a better mama.

Stretched thin?

Let's face it, therapy for kids with special needs is expensive--even with insurance. Plus, all the time and travel. Supporting your kiddo takes extra money, time, and talent that you might not have.

It's time to let go of the mom guilt for not being all things to all people--no less a speech therapist, SPED teacher, OT, or a few other professions you failed to pick up post high school.

Let us support you and your kiddo.

Membership in Hands at Home Therapy connects you with a vetted volunteer who works in your home, implementing the programs sent home by your child's teachers or therapists. Our volunteer therapists (VTs) provide the frequency needed to move the needle and bring about real change, so your kiddo can overcome his or her challenges.

We help the whole family.

We've all heard it ...

"When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

But let's not throw her under the bus.

It's often mom who carries more of the emotional and mental burden of parenting kids with special needs. Not to say that dad and the siblings aren't pulling hard, too.

So many supports go unseen--the special diet, trips to the doctor & OT, meltdowns, at-home therapy or tutoring, researching, and worry.

It's endless, it's a lot, and it's unnecessary that this be shouldered alone.

Here's just some of what we do:

  • implement therapy programs

  • teach basic or advanced life skills

  • aid in medical situations

  • tutor academics

  • let mom nap

supported child



physical & mental development

sibling relationships

reduced caregiving burden

better distribution of parental support

reduced rivalry


decreased caregiving burden

increased time for self-care & supporting relationships


reduced tension & resentment over unbalanced burdens

increased availability for partner

Let us help your child ... and you.

Our volunteers have the heart, mind, strength, and passion to help your child grow.






hours served



What our parents say ...

It’s hard to carve out two hours to work with Philip one-on-one, so having our VT has helped me let go of that mom guilt. ...

Our VT is organized, reliable, and has a strong work ethic, but she’s also really fun!

Gennie Busse | College Station TX

Our son connected with Max almost immediately, and he works harder for him than for Dad or me. We’re seeing real progress!

... And in the meantime, Erik and I can catch a break or catch up on life.

Michelle Osterholm | College Station TX

Membership Rates

Support Tier

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Volunteer Team

1 volunteer

2 volunteers

3 volunteers

4 volunteers

Weekly Hours

4 hrs/wk

8 hrs/wk

12 hrs/wk

16 hrs/wk






Evaluation & Onboarding





Membership rates apply for Fall & Spring semesters. Yearly re-assessment $149. Summer rates increase by $20/per tier.

Get the break you need

from stress,

from guilt,

and even from each other!

About Us

Why we do what we do, and how it all started ...

Our Purpose

Hands at Home Therapy exists to serve the families of children with special needs by providing them with affordable, trusted in-home help. By joining our membership, parents gain an in-home helper to implement the programs sent home by teachers and therapists, thereby multiplying the effect of their investment in their child’s therapy program(s).

Mom and dad get a moment to rest, both parents and siblings are freed from some of their caregiving burdens, and best of all, the child grows faster with the energy, effort, and enthusiasm of a dedicated friend.  

When all these come together, everyone wins.

Our Story

Amy Gordon | Founder & CEO

In 2015, I struggled to implement a thrice-daily therapy program with my son, Gabe, who is on the autism spectrum. I juggled many roles as a mom and soon discovered that occupational therapy was not my mojo. But bringing resources together is, and I used this skill to find a better way of getting Gabe the help he needed.

Drawing on my experience leading volunteer teams, I connected with service-hearted students who implemented our at-home therapy program. Within six years, Gabe was reading at a college level. It worked.

After training and mentoring 160+ volunteers over nine years, I knew how to make our program doable for busy students, growing them in skills they need for their future careers.

Seeing that other families needed the same support, I launched Hands at Home Therapy as a membership. I’m delighted it serves to redeem my lessons learned and help other mamas (and dads) who struggle like I did.


General Info

What is Hands at Home Therapy?

Hands at Home Therapy connects special needs kiddos and our vetted volunteers who want to serve them. Through our membership, moms and dads get a much needed break while our students implement the programs that the child’s therapist or teacher want practiced at home. They get to “try on” their future careers before committing to the time and expense of graduate school programs, so they can invest in their futures with confidence. 

How do families qualify? 

We are a private organization serving kiddos with special needs; membership is not based on financial need. We know that many families do not qualify for low-income government programs, yet they cannot afford private therapy at the frequency needed to “move the needle” for their child. We support these families by filling that gap.

Which special needs do you support?

We support kiddos with all kinds of special needs or disabilities, some of which include:ADHD, autism, Down Syndrome, sensory processing disorder, learning or intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, speech or language disorders, epilepsy, visual or hearing impairments, and more.

Service-Related Questions

Where do you serve?

Currently we serve families in the Bryan/College Station area and plan to expand to other metro areas. Therapy sessions usually take place in the child’s home, but other locations may be eligible on a case-by-case basis.

Do your volunteer therapists have experience? A license or certification?

Not necessarily. Many of our volunteers have served as childcare providers, camp counselors, swim instructions, buddies to kids in their high school, etc. Some might even be CMAs or EMTs. But let’s be clear: licensing and certifications are rare and not required. However, our VTs do enjoy working with children and welcome the opportunity to grow their patience and therapy chops.  

What does a typical day look like?

That depends on your child and family. VTs will implement a support plan set by you, the parent, or your child’s therapist or teacher. Some examples include processing exercises (digit spans and sequences), fine and gross motor exercises (soccer, catch with ball, tying shoes), life skills (eating, handwashing, blowing nose), tutoring academics, or serving as the hands and feet of immobile patients. It really depends on what your child needs. 

How much does it cost?

Please see our Membership Rates page.

I'm paying for volunteers? What's up with that?

We totally get that perspective. Money is often stretched tight in families with special needs. But time is even less elastic, and that’s what we save you–with the lifesaving purpose of helping your kiddo. Having grown our experience in working with college students, we know the stress points and what makes it all work–or fall apart. We want to save you the headache of recruiting, reference checks, background checks, interviewing, and managing those who should be redeeming your time–not consuming it.

Time & Schedule

How much time can VTs serve per week?

VTs (volunteer therapists) usually give 4 hours per week and families can level up to a higher support tier for 8, 12, or 16 hours per week. The likely situation is that higher tiers mean more VTs, as students have limited margin in their schedules, but in some lucky situations, we may have a VT who wants to give 8+ hours, providing you with the same sweet face throughout the week.  

How long are sessions?

We find that 2-hour blocks of time fit well for most families and students, but this can be altered according to people’s needs. 

How long will my VT serve?

VT’s commit to a minimum of 120 hours. Their service should be completed within two full semesters (or 30 weeks, if started mid-semester) and is usually with the same family during this timespan. Some VTs may elect to serve longer.

What about breaks and summers?

Our VTs enjoy time with their families, just like you do. They commit to serve while classes are in session and return to their hometowns for winter, spring, and summer breaks. Some may stay for the summer and continue their service, taking a week’s vacation with friends or family. It’s a case-by-case basis, but we can seek to find summer VTs if yours is one who will not be available. 

What's the process to start? Is there a waitlist?

Yes, many families recognize their need for additional support, and there is usually a waitlist. We suggest registering today. You’ll receive an email from us that provides you with the option to book a free 15-minute discovery call with our founder and CEO, Amy Gordon. Once you have your questions answered, apply via the link you will also receive via email. You’ll be put on our waitlist and we will begin work to match you with a VT as soon as possible.

Get in touch. We can help.

I want help! Send me info!

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